We look forward to visit the University of Zimbabwe, situated in Harare, on our trip at the end of the year!
Est. 1955
Motto: Knowledge, Diligence, Integrity
Chancellor: Emmerson Mnangagwa (President of Zimbabwe)
Vice Chancellor: Professor Paul Mapfuno
Students: 20 399
Univeristy of Zimbabwe prayer:
Eternal and ever-blessed God, we offer Thee our worship and our praise. We worship Thee that Thou art the Lord and Giver of Life, the Creator and Sustainer of men. We praise Thee for, that in every generation, Thou hast called men and women to high and noble enterprise and, calling them, Thou hast endowed them with the grace and strength necessary for the task. Look on us, we pray Thee, who are committed here to a mighty enterprise and grant us the assurance of the guidance of Thy Holy Spirit, giving us wisdom and courage and tenacity that we falter not in our design.
Core values:
The university has a Faculty of Veterinary Science, with three departments:
Preclinical Veterinary Science
Clinical Veterinary Science
Paraclinical Veterinary Science
We look forward to helping them expand their faculty greatly on our trip!